AUTHOR: Star Sports Content

BEN’S BLOG: ‘Pickers and Choosers Alert..!’

ben_keith_team-150x150[dropcap]O[/dropcap]h, Blog! What heartbreaking scenes!! Golden Horn, who has cost us a fortune in the last 6 months, got properly chinned at York, yesterday, at odds of 1/2, and we didn’t properly lay it! BOOH HOOH.

Where were all of my faithful odds-on ill-members? Where were you all?! Well, well, well… When the next odds-on chance comes along, I might just choose not to lay it – and then we’ll see how you all feel…! PICKING AND CHOOSING.

In other news:

Do you ever try and practise karate on an annoying Puntery type, but then you can’t quite get your karate-chops right at the last minute? Well, this little chap knows the feeling…but he got there in the end! NOT-STAFF..!!

Over and out, B x