AUTHOR: Star Sports Content

BEN’S BLOG: ‘American Dad’


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]hanks go, to my American Dad, John Herou (father of my great life-assistan‎t; Pam), for sending me, a Donald Trump, “Make America Great Again”, red cap. It is the perfect prop, for winding up middle-class-lefties, in business-meetings or on Skypes. NEVER LET THEM OFF THE HOOK.

In other news:

trump2Although, I’m sure that The Don, would be a great friend, good company and an awesome businessman; I don’t believe he is the right man to be President. Instead, I believe that Jeremy Corbyn, would do a great job in America, remembering all of their people, who seem to have been forgotten. Whilst, DT, should make his way, in this direction, to give a sharp-reminder, to millions of entitlement-riddled, English Whiteys, to their responsibilities, as adult human-beings.

Hilary will probably win. But by default, and fear of Trump, don’t you think, Blog? From the modern-mould; she’s certain to be politically-correct, and a Corporate-Sympathizer. She also looks too cute, not to have learnt, from decades of political-action, that there’s seldom any value, in ever actually playing a shot. LEAVE THE TOUGH STUFF TO THE GROWN-UPS.

Over and out, B x
