AUTHOR: Star Sports Content

BEN’S BLOG: ‘And The Star Army come STORMING through once again…!!’

ben_keith_team-150x150benascot2[dropcap]R[/dropcap]oyal Ascot is over for another year, my dear Blog. And although, the stench of privilege and inherited-wealth, is higher than sour-milk, we do love the place really, don’t we?

The betting-ring was busier than ever before, with so many new areas to bet, and back on The Starship, the office simply rocked from start to finish.

And how did you go on the week, Blog? Well, we gave the Punters a head-start, on Tuesday and Wednesday, but then came storming through, like Scurlogue Champ, on the Saturday, to give them a, much deserved, battering, finishing well clear.

I would ask too, if you managed to pull The Firms’ trousers down, and back a few winners, but judging from their myriad of silly concessions and absurd prices, they really did manage, quite adequately, to do that for themselves, didn’t they?

Although, all of the painful group-socialising, was more shattering than ever before, I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU, to The Star Army, for such a great team effort.


In other news:

Belindabelle is ill! OBVIOUSLY, I have sprung into action, as a noble partner and modern-man, and am mopping her brow, during every moment. Don’t you find though, Blog, that your ladyfriends are just SO nice, kind, and appreciative, when ill? But you know when they’re getting better, don’t you…? BECAUSE THEY’VE GOT THE ENERGY TO MAKE A NASTY-FACE AGAIN!!!

Over and out, B x