BEN’S BLOG: ‘Eddie The Eagle = Not-Staff’
[dropcap]O[/dropcap]h dear, oh dear, are you yet another Wet English Whitey? You’ve never have a go at anything? Always got an excuse, and Saggy-Shoulders? An Armchair-Expert, criticising everyone else, only interested in what sick-pay and paid-holiday, your contract at work ‘entitles’ you to? Have you got a sore-throat and a wet-willy? Well, you’re an English Staff, and you’ll just have to pull yourself together, I’m afraid.
One person, one of my life-heroes, who this can definitely NOT be said of; is Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards. A man that, despite never receiving a penny of funding, broke himself, to make his dream come true; to compete in the Olympic Games. And I have opened the paper today, delighted to see, that they are making a film all about his life.
Stop moaning and get on with your lives. THE EXCUSES END HERE.
In other news:
Here’s a story, I bet you didn’t know, about Eddie The Eagle:
After his Olympic glories he invested his money in some kind of fund. Anyway, it all turned out to be a load of bollocks, and the self-proclaimed ‘experts’, had ‘lost’ most of it. Did Eddie then queue up, to be mugged-off by some silly lawyers? Oh no, he didn’t, Sir! Instead, he returned to school, to do GCSE’s and A-Levels, then studied law, and then bloody well sued the bastards…and won…!!
Eddie The Eagle = NOT-STAFF
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Over and out, B x