BEN’S BLOG: ‘Mind your own business, The Cardigan!’
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hy is there so much jealousy, regarding David Cameron’s holidays, Blog? He earns a wage, has a set time off for holidays, when the Houses of Parliament are in recess, and has a family, including young children, that he must entertain. If, during this time of leave, with the money he has earnt, he chooses to take them on 25 separate day-trips to Skegness, that is his prerogative, is it not?
Gaul Wood’s favourite daily newspaper, the ever unrealistic and wet, ‘The Cardigan’, are asking ‘How many holidays does David Cameron NEED?’. Well, The Cardigan, oh no, sorry, The Guardian, if he was a spoilt key-worker, with all the Bank Holidays, paternity-leave, sick-pay, and retiring early on a taxpayer-subsidised-pension, in the ex-council-house he bought, on the cheap, off his comrades at the government, with a mates-rates mortgage, LIKE YOUR READERS, I’m sure he’d be able to have far more!
Anyway, The Cardigan also doesn’t accept Cammo’s excuse, that he’s in regular and easy touch with his wage-slaves. Come on, you jealous lefties, get a grip! It’s 2014, and I’m sure he’s getting helpless texts, emails, and phone calls all day from them. If not, he should try running Star Racing Ltd for a day!!
In other news:
A gentleman, by the name of Malky Mackay, has applied for a job at Star Sports, citing that he believes he would fit in well, with our office culture and ethos. Who is he, and can anyone supply a reference?
Over and out, B x