AUTHOR: Star Sports Content

BEN’S BLOG: ‘Next on the Stick List: The Middletons’

ben_keith_team-150x150 [dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat are the Middletons doing, on repeated beanos, at Wimbledon, in the complimentary Royal area?

What do they bring to the party (in any capacity, anywhere)?

Why are their seats not being used by decorated servicemen, achievers, public-servants and those who have gone beyond the call of duty for others?

I went to Wimbledon myself, this week. The entire place is a class act.

People want to say it’s snobby. It isn’t. They just do things in a proper fashion and never rip people off: Strawberries & Cream Β£2.50. Coronation Chicken Salad Β£6. Neither is it smothered by endless ‘VIP’ corporate hospitality. Tickets are purchased via a ballot, and everybody enjoys the day together. I particularly like, that when people leave, they resell seated tickets, and give ALL of the proceeds to charity.

The Middletons, in their extreme social-climbing, are in fact lowering what is a very pleasant tone. WHY IS THE QUEEN SUFFERING THEM?

In other news:

Food Vlog 23: Halepi, 18 Leinster Terrace, Bayswater, W2 3ET. WEB SITE The best Greek in London. Check out my Vlog…

Over and out, B x