BEN’S BLOG: ‘Paddy Power joining arms with the Betfair Bootleggers’
[dropcap]U[/dropcap]nibet and Stan James. Ladbrokes and Betdaq. Coral and Ladbrokes. And now Paddy and Betfair. Where does it end? A great attraction and magnetism, for us all, is when bookmakers are able to show a bit of innovation or flare. The Firms seem to forget, that they are not just running anonymous businesses. The names ‘Ladbrokes, Hills, and Corals’, are part of, not just our high-streets, but our culture. Punters have shown them great loyalty, often for their entire lives, only playing with the same firm. The betting world follows their progress, and independent-bookies look up to them, as the example of the way business should be done. The competition they have always had, with each other, is healthy, for ALL sides, and has, at times, been riveting.
When Ladbrokes bought Betdaq, it was not only sad (pathetic?), that they’d given up taking on the exchanges, but also an insult, to their Punters, and the small bookmakers that have always followed their lead. They were buying into a legalised bootlegger, that has attacked the betting-ring, and pushed hundreds of bookmakers out of business, and cost thousands of people, who not only work in, but also love the game, their jobs.
Paddy Power have come from obscurity, to give the Firms a bloody-nose. And well done to them. They have shown that, ANY Punter or Bookie, CAN compete, if they show the right hard work, persistence, and guile – it’s not just about having lots of money.
But, Blog, WHY, after such GREAT success and, having made HUGE profits from, and working with, our industry, would they want to join hands with the enemy? PADDY, IS THIS YOUR GRATITUDE, TO THE GAME THAT HAS TREATED YOU SO WELL…?
Over and out, B x