AUTHOR: Star Sports Content

BEN’S BLOG: ‘The Twins’

ben_keith_team-150x150[dropcap]C[/dropcap]asa Hogar is a beautiful place, that gives it’s children, far more security than the outside world. But the innocence it provides can also over-protect.

I got to know Pierre and Paul (identical-twins), during my first visit, and it’s been a pleasure to meet them again now, before they move on into the big wide world.

Inside the walls; is their total domain. In one minute, they are showing me the Lego world they have created. In the next; telling me how they are currently reading ‘Paradise Lost’ by John Milton (how high-brow do you want to go?!).

Tonight, we took them out for a bite to eat, in the nearby village. They said they were nervous, but excited, before we left. Over dinner, they discussed Peruvian history, world geography, and the effects of different diets on their country’s inhabitants. And then, feeling so down-at-heel, they were asking the waitress if they could go to the toilet.

I hope that, in time, a little more life-experience, will be offered to the children at Casa Hogar. As otherwise, the Lima streets could certainly serve-up some quick and sharp lessons.


Over and out, B x ​