AUTHOR: Star Sports Content

BEN’S BLOG: ‘Tic-Tac Man’

ben_keith_team-150x150[dropcap]B[/dropcap]log, I’m sure you’re going to love this unique and now certainly historical piece, on Youtube, about the life of Dean Valentine, when he was a Tic-Tac Man, at Walthamstow Dogs.

Clearly intoxicated by the game, like all of us, it shows, not only, his day-to-day routine, but also really captures the community-spirit of the betting-ring.

Dean has gone on to become a successful pro-punter, and I’m very pleased for him. HOWEVER, Blog, I have no doubt what the publication of this note to yourself will result in…. NO, DEAN. I DON’T WANT TO OPEN YOU AN ACCOUNT..!!

In other news:

londonzooMyself and Belindabelle, went to London Zoo, this Sunday. And what a fantastic day-out it was too! Β£27 each, and great value at that, when you think of what rip-off, hell-holes, like Madame Tussauds cost. I thoroughly recommend going; the animals look wonderfully looked after, and there’s far more there than you’d expect. Nevermind the wild animals though, Blog. IT’S THE HUMANS THAT I’M SHIT-SCARED OF..!!

Over and out, B x